Hey Everbody,

As we are fast approching half way through the Year, and the Summer Blockbuster Season is right around the Corner, What has been your Favourite Movies of 2011 and why?

There’s something endearingly old-fashioned about a love story involving a beautiful bareback rider and a kid who runs off to join the circus. What makes “Water for Elephants” more intriguing is a third character, reminding us why Christoph Waltz deserved his supporting actor Oscar for Inglorious Basterds (2009). He plays the circus owner, who is married to the bareback rider and keeps her and everyone else in his iron grip.

The story, based on the best-seller by Sara Gruen, is told as a flashback by an old man named Jacob, who lost his parents in 1931, dropped out of Cornell University’s veterinary school, hit the road and hopped a train that happened, wouldn’t you know, to be a circus train. Played by Twlights Robert Pattinson as a youth, he is naive and excited, and his eyes fill with wonder as he sees the beautiful Marlena (Reese Witherspoon) on her white show horse. The owner August (Waltz) is prepared to throw him off the train until he learns young Jacob knows something about veterinary medicine.

The dynamic in the story depends on August’s jealousy of Marlena, and her stubborn loyalty to their marriage contract. This is where Waltz makes his contribution. Shorter than Pattinson, indeed hardly taller than Witherspoon, he rules over everyone as a hard-bitten taskmaster whose easy charm conceals a cold inner core; it’s the same dynamic he used as the merciless Nazi in Inglorious Basterds, He’s much given to offering champagne toasts with a knife hidden inside.

In the early Depression, times are hard and jobs few. The circus is deep in debt, and August produces a new star attraction he believes can save it. This is Rosie, a middle-aged elephant, who he thinks Marlena can ride, and Jacob can train and care for, although neither has worked with an elephant before. Scenes involving the personality and language comprehension of elephants create an intrinsic charm, and the movie surrounds them with a convincing portrait of circus life on the road.

The film’s climax involves a series of dire events I will not describe, except to say it’s a little unclear how they are started into motion. It’s also unclear why Marlena continues to be such a dutiful wife long after August no longer deserves that privilege — but the fact that she does saves the film from dissolving entirely into melodrama.

“Water for Elephants” was directed by Francis Lawrence, whose “I Am Legend were not predictions of this relatively classic film.  This is good sound family entertainment, a safe PG-13 but not a dumb one, and it’s a refreshing interlude before we hurtle into the summer blockbuster season


While The Hangover Part II won’t open for another month, promotional material for the highly-anticipated sequel continues to arrive online in the form of new posters, TV spots, or statements from co-writer and director Todd Phillips about whether or not he taught a monkey how to smoke cigarettes for the movie.

In a recent interview with MTV, Phillips cleared up another issue involving the sequel’s title. Originally thought to be called “The Hangover 2, Phillips explained why he changed it to “The Hangover Part II.”

I think there are very few sequels that have been made that live up to or exceed their first film. The Godfather [sequel] is the first one. We had always planned on calling it The Hangover 2, and when we finished the script, I changed the cover page and wrote The Hangover Part II, because I think the film lives up to or exceeds the first one. It was very much a nod to The Godfather [franchise].


The Hollywood Reporter says that Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides co-writer Terry Rossio has turned in his script to Disney for a possible fifth movie in the popular franchise.

It was Rossio’s first script for a “Pirates” movie written without Ted Elliot. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer is interested in making another film and the trade adds that the studio has approached director Rob Marshall to take on the next film as well.

But what about Johnny Depp? He doesn’t sound ready to start again just yet. Depp tells the trade he hasn’t seen the screenplay that Rossio turned in this weekend.

“It boils down to story, script and filmmaker… It’s not something where I would say, ‘Let’s shoot it next month to get it out by Christmas 2012.’ We should hold off for a bit. They should be special, just like they are special to me.”

source: Den of Geek

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Sony has high hopes for its reboot of the Spider-Man franchise. And with the first film in the new line of webslinger movies, The Amazing Spider-Man, still a year away, it’s already got the wheels in motion on a sequel. James Vanderbilt, who wrote the draft on which The Amazing Spider-Man was based, is having a first bash at the screenplay for the second film. That hints that Sony is looking to keep the gap between the movies to a minimum.

Chances are, then, that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 might be with us as early as 2014.

American Pie 4

Granted, there have technically been seven American Pie movies to date, if you include the four risible straight-to-DVD sequels (Eugene Levy, what were you doing?). But we don’t, and to our mind, 2012’s American Reunion is the true fourth movie in the series.

Given that the best part of a decade has passed since we last saw the likes of Jim, Oz, Kevin, Michelle and Finch, the reunion angle is the logical approach to bring them all together. We know that Jim and Michelle will have had a child, too, and we know that all of the key cast from the first film will be back for this new sequel (Seann William Scott, arguably the actor who’s had the most successful career since the original trilogy, included).

The film is shooting imminently, and we’d wager on a summer 2012 release.

Anchorman 2

Even though the further adventures of Ron Burgundy seem to be getting little studio support, there’s still a groundswell of hope that we’ll finally get Anchorman 2. It’s still some way off, though.

The cast and crew are all looking to return, but director Adam McKay is circling the movie of The Boys (with Simon Pegg set to feature), and if he commits to that, that adds a further two year wait at the least for an Anchorman sequel.

The general message for those concerned is that Anchorman 2 is a possibility, but far from definite. Sadly, that’ll have to do for now. Bah.

Beverly Hills Cop 4

This one seems to be stuck in a little bit of a limbo. It’s not helped by Eddie Murphy’s current poisonous box office touch, which has left the long-completed A Thousand Words still unreleased (it’s finally been scheduled for early 2012, years after it was completed).

But perhaps before the green light is formally given to Beverly Hills Cop 4, the powers that be are looking to the performance of Murphy’s next project, Tower Heist. He’s filming that with director, Brett Ratner, and given that the latter is the man strongly linked with helming the return of Axel Foley, it’s perhaps wise to see just how that turns out first.

Bill &Ted 3

This one actually looks like it might happen. A third Bill & Ted movie has been rumoured ever since Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey quite literally took us to hell. But as Keanu Reeves’ career took off, the movie was missing, presumed dead.

Only it’s back, and Reeves has been talking about it. His last update suggested that a script was weeks away from being completed, and since then, Alex Winter has confirmed that the screenplay is done. It might not be long before the pair can set off to write the new song that might just save the world.

There’s no word on when to expect the movie yet, but this is clearly a project with some momentum behind it.

The Bourne Legacy

It won’t have Jason Bourne in it, it won’t be starring Matt Damon, but conversely, it won’t be a reboot, either.

The fourth Bourne movie will be directed by Tony Gilroy (who worked on the screenplays of the first three Bourne movies), and is set to be (very) loosely based around The Bourne Legacy novel. It’s a film set in the world where Jason Bourne exists, rather than a flat-out Bourne movie. It’s also due in summer 2012, and Jeremy Renner has been offered the lead role.
Chronicles Of Riddick 3

Very, very sketchy details here, as all we really know is that Vin Diesel is still looking to reprise the role of Riddick. The same Riddick who was brilliant in Pitch Black, and not so brilliant in The Chronicles Of Riddick.

Diesel’s immediate concern is another Fast & Furious movie, though, which is likely to put Riddick’s return on the back burner.

The Dark Knight Rises

Ah, you know most of this by now, we suspect. Christopher Nolan returns to Gotham City one last time, with Christian Bale back as Batman. Joining him this time are Anne Hathaway as Catwoman, Tom Hardy as Bane, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Juno Temple, Marion Cotillard  and Josh Pence. And there’s an abundance of rumours as to who will be joining them, and what the story will be. It’s best you click here to keep up to date with them all.

The Dark Knight Rises, meanwhile, will be with us in July 2012.

Die Hard 5 and 6

Bruce Willis has confirmed he’s looking to reprise the role of John McClane for two more Die Hard movies. The fifth movie is going under the tentative title of Die Hard 24/7 (although rumours of a Die Hard/24 crossover seem wide of the mark).

Noam Murro has been recruited to direct the next film, and the expectation is that it will be in cinemas in 2012. Then, expect to wait a couple of years for the final outing of John McClane.

Enchanted 2

Anne Fletcher is directing the follow up to Disney’s terrific Enchanted, which is looking to recruit Amy Adams back to her Golden Globe-nominated role. Fletcher previously directed The Proposal, and the last we heard, Jessie Nelson (who wrote Because I Said So) was penning the script for the follow-up.

Things have been quiet on the Enchanted 2 front a while, though, which puts the rumoured 2012 release date in a bit of doubt.

The Expendables 2

Sylvester Stallone is returning in front of the camera for the sequel to The Expendables, but he’s passing the directorial reins over to someone else this time around.

Rumours suggest a more fleshed out involvement for the likes of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis. And Jean-Claude Van Damme might just appear this time around, too.

Summer 2012 is the targeted release window.

Fast & Furious 6

With director Justin Lin likely to move onto the Terminator franchise, the next Fast & Furious film may be a different beast (Lin has directed episodes three through five). But it’s definitely on the cards at Universal, with Chris Morgan already hired to write a script. Rumours suggest that a shift in genre to a full-on heist thriller is a possibility.

Production is unlikely to start until next year, though.

The Fighter 2

The Oscar-winning The Fighter has generated plenty of sequel chatter in the past couple of months, and David O Russell has already confirmed that he’d be happy to write the movie and be involved with it. Mark Wahlberg has also gone on record to say that he’s happy to delve more into the career of Micky Ward.

Russell may choose to direct The Fighter follow-up, as well as writing it, but none of this has thus far been confirmed. It’ll take a couple of years to come to the screen, at the earliest.

Final Destination 5

The Final Destination proved to be a sizeable late summer hit for New Line a couple of years ago, and off the back of that, they said they “couldn’t resist” making another one. Couldn’t resist the cash, more like.

This time, Death’s plan involves a suspension bridge disaster, which a group of homogenous teens will avoid and then find themselves running for the rest of the film.

It turns up at the end of August, and it’s going to take some force of nature to stop Final Destination 6 turning up a year or two later.

Ghostbusters III

There’s a lot of talk, but still not much action where Ghostbusters III is concerned. A script appears to be in place now, and Ivan Reitman remains in the director’s chair. And with Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson back on board to pass the mantle over to a new generation of Ghostbusters, almost all of the pieces for the new movie are in place.

But one is missing: Bill Murray. Depending on which interview with him you read, he’s either going to do a small cameo in the movie, hates the idea of it, hasn’t made his mind up, or flat out isn’t going to do it.

It’s anyone’s guess, and according to some reports, Murray’s involvement or otherwise might just be a deal breaker for Sony, which has to fund the film.

Your guess is as good as ours on this one…

Hostel: Part III

This one’s going straight to DVD, with Scott Spiegel (From Dusk Till Dawn 2) taking over directing duties from Eli Roth.

It’s due out in October, and from what we can glean about the project, you’re going to get pretty much what you’re expecting from it. Not much more we can say there.

Ice Age: Continental Drift

The fourth Ice Age movie has new directors on board. Steve Martino and Mike Thurmeier take over from Carlos Saldanha, who went off to make Rio instead.

The good news about Ice Age: Continental Drift is that Scrat will be back. And the key voice cast of Ray Romano (Manny), Denis Leary (Diego) and John Leguizamo (Sid) are back on board, too.

The film is out in July 2012.

Indiana Jones 5

We’ve been here before. Harrison Ford, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg all seem to be in agreement that there will be a fifth, and probably final, adventure for Indiana Jones. But we’re waiting for them to crack the story for the film. That took 19 years last time, and the best all concerned could come up with was the bizarre tale that underpinned Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.

This time? It strikes us that Spielberg and Lucas need to work out just who’s in charge before starting work proper.

Iron Man 3

Jon Favreau won’t be back to direct the third Iron Man movie (he made the first two), but Marvel appears to have found an able replacement.

Shane Black sounds like a corking choice to us, with the Lethal Weapon/Last Boy Scout/Kiss Kiss Bang Bang genius on both writing and directing duties for the new film.

Robert Downey Jr will be back to play Tony Stark, but that won’t be until Marvel has pumped out its Avengers movie in 2012. Iron Man 3 is due in May 2013.

James Bond 23

Finally, after being held up in the midst of MGM’s financial troubles, the twenty-third James Bond film is going before the cameras at the end of the year, ahead of its release in late 2012.

Daniel Craig is back as 007, with Dame Judi Dench returning too. Sam Mendes (American Beauty) is confirmed to direct, although the identity of the villain is yet to be confirmed. Rachel Weisz was rumoured, but never confirmed.

Sony pictures had done a deal to co-finance and co-distribute the new film, and that agreement is likely to span Bond 24, too.

Johnny English Reborn

Rowan Atkinson stars in the belated sequel to his worldwide hit, Johnny English, once more playing the clumsy spy faced with a top secret mission.

It’s a James Bond spoof set eight years after the first movie, which has attracted Gillian Anderson, Rik Mayall and Dominic West to the cast. Oliver Parker is directing this time, and the film is set for release in October in the UK.

Jurassic Park 4

It’s a project that’s been languishing for the best part of a decade, but nobody seems to want to put it out of its misery. Because it seems that there’s still the possibility of a fourth Jurassic Park movie, even if it doesn’t appear to be moving forward.

The last we heard of it was when Joe Johnston chatted about it on the promotional tour for The Wolfman last year. Johnston directed the third dino romp, and he revealed that there’s the germ of an idea for a fourth movie, that would mark the start of a new trilogy of films. But since then? Nothing. Nothing at all.

We might have to wait a few more years for this yet…

Knocked Up sequel/spin-off

Currently going under the title of This Is Forty, Judd Apatow is working on a follow-up to his smash hit, Knocked Up. This won’t pick up the story of Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl’s characters (unsurprising, given Heigl’s comments in the aftermath of the film’s release), but rather will focus on the couple played in the film by Leslie Mann and Paul Rudd.

Furthermore, Megan Fox has been added to the cast, and a June 1st 2012 release date has been pencilled in.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Delays have beset the fourth Mad Max movie thus far, which was supposed to be before the cameras by the time you read this.

However, director George Miller is now planning to shoot the film this coming January, assuming that the weather holds out. That would leave the film in place potentially for a late 2012 release, but more likely we’d see it at some point in 2013.

Men In Black III

Already getting a name for itself as a troubled production, the first act of Men In Black III was shot at the end of last year, to take advantage of a tax break. But reports suggested that the film was retooled during a shutdown lasting several weeks, and that all is not happy on the movie.

That said, troubled productions do sometimes make good films, although we can’t say we’ve been fond of either of the Men In Black movies to date.

Barry Sonnenfeld is back to direct again, with Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Emma Thompson and Josh Brolin in the cast. The film is due out in the crowded summer of 2012.

Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol

Brad Bird makes his live-action blockbuster directorial debut, with the man behind The Iron Giant, The Incredibles and Ratatouille sounding an absolutely inspired choice to us for Mission: Impossible 4.

He’s aiming his camera at Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Jeremy Renner and Josh Holloway, and the film is in post-production now. It’s called Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, and you can expect it in December.

Paranormal Activity 3

Given that Paranormal Activity 2 was pretty much just a retread of Paranormal Activity 1, the suspicion is that Paranormal Activity 3 will follow a very similar template.

Katie Featherston is back to play Katie, but there’s no word yet on who’s going to direct the film, which is due out in October.

That’s not a major problem for Paramount, though, as Tod Williams, who directed the previous movie, had just a few months to get that film made. The same will apply here. We’d then expect a fourth movie for October 2012, as Paranormal Activity looks to pick up the Saw mantle.

Percy Jackson 2

Rick Riordan has written a fair few Percy Jackson adventures, but after the film adaptation of the Percy Jackson And The Olympians: The Lightning Thief did reasonably, rather than Harry Potter levels of business, it was all a bit up in the air as to whether we’d see a second film.

Seems we might do, though, with The Sea Of Monsters likely to be next the choice. Logan Lerman will reprise the title role, although Chris Columbus isn’t likely to fit directing the film into his schedule this time.

The project is in early development right now, with no production dates hammered out that we know of.

Pineapple Express 2

A long-mooted project that gradually seems to gather bits of interest. Around the various press junkets for The Green Hornet at the start of the year, writer Evan Goldberg revealed that he was tempted to revisit the film and to investigate a sequel.

It’s Goldberg and Seth Rogen that have been the reluctant parties in the sequel plan, and given that they’re the two who will put the script together, it’s very much in their hands.

Give it another year, we reckon, before things potentially start moving forward.

Pirates Of The Caribbean 5

Disney has learned its lessons of Pirates Of The Caribbean past, and thus the fifth movie will be a separate entity from this summer’s On Stranger Tides. None of that back-to-back filming nonsense either this time, as instead, the plan is for the next Pirates movie to be a standalone adventure for Captain Jack Sparrow.

Terry Rossio is penning the script for the new film, which may be with us as soon as the summer of 2013.

Resident Evil 5

You can sneer at it all you like, but Resident Evil has turned into a major movie franchise. The latest film, Afterlife, took nearly $300m worldwide at the box office alone, and unsurprisingly, a fifth film has been swiftly commissioned.

Milla Jovovich is set to return, and the next movie will be out on September 14th 2012. Paul W S Anderson isn’t likely to direct this one.

Salt 2

The first adventure of Evelyn Salt gave Angelina Jolie her biggest star leading role since Lara Croft. And thus there’s talk of bringing her back for a second time.

Jolie is keen to reprise the role, although director Phillip Noyce has already confirmed that he won’t be back for the sequel. Jolie reckons the sequel will appear “hopefully within a couple of years”. Right-o.

Scream 5 and 6

The slightly disappointing box office numbers for Scream 4 may have put a spanner in the works of the plan by The Weinstein Company to generate a fresh trilogy of Scream movies. That plan also seemed to be threatened by writer Kevin Williamson’s departure from Scream 4, after a creative fall-out.

However, as he told Entertainment Weekly, “We got into a massive fight creatively, and we hugged it out and then we moved on.”

His involvement, we’d suggest, would be crucial to Scream 5 working. But all concerned need to work out if they want a sequel or a reboot of the Scream saga next.

Sex & The City 3

Terrible reviews and underwhelming box office have put the dampener on chat of a Sex And The City 3 for the time being, with the usual blurb coming out about how each of the stars is doubtful or otherwise about the film being made.

Sex And The City 2 still made potloads of money, so the strong bet is that another adventure will be in the offing, but the rumour mill suggests that it may yet be a prequel, with younger actresses playing versions of the four leading roles.

We wait and see, although not particularly eagerly.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game Of Shadows

Production is complete on Guy Ritchie’s sequel to 2010’s Sherlock Holmes movie. Robert Downey Jr and Jude Law return to play Holmes and Watson, while this time, Noomi Rapace and Stephen Fry are joining the cast. Furthermore, Jared Harris is playing Moriarty this time around.

The film is set for release in December. Expect Sherlock Holmes 3 to follow a couple of years afterwards.

Spy Kids 4: All The Time In The World

Robert Rodriguez reboots his Spy Kids franchise with a new bunch of anklebiters, resurrecting the series eight years after we saw it last.

Rodriguez has written and directed the movie, which stars Jessica Alba, Jeremy Piven, Antonio Banderas and – yes! – Danny Trejo.

You can expect it in August. And again, the plan is for more movies if this one goes down well.

Star Trek

Even though the schedule appears tight, Paramount is still wanting to get a sequel to its Star Trek reboot in cinemas for June 2012. It’s got Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman working on the script, which should just about be done, and then the wait is on for JJ Abrams to commit to the new film. Which he hasn’t done yet, as he’s finishing up work on his summer release, Super 8.

Don’t be surprised if Star Trek gets delayed, but this is one sequel that’s definitely happening.

Step Up 4Ever

Dance movies make money, and the Step Up films have been amongst the most popular. Director Jon Chu is serving as executive producer this time around, having chosen to helm G.I. Joe 2 instead.

Wade Robson will direct, and the movie will be out in 2012. No further details have been released.

Terminator 5

It’s unclear yet as to whether the fifth Terminator movie will be a full-on reboot of the franchise, but don’t rule out a new story taking place in the same universe.

Justin Lin, who has steered the last three Fast & Furious movies, is set to direct, and Arnold Schwarzenegger is on board, too. There’s just the small matter of the script needing to be written, and a studio needing to pay the bill for the film. Give this one two or three years yet.

Top Gun 2

There seems to be a fresh impetus behind a belated sequel to the Tom Cruise-headlined juggernaut, Top Gun. It’s unclear thus far whether Tom Cruise will choose to be involved in the new film, but director Tony Scott has already said that he’d be open to returning.

The idea would be that Cruise’s character would pass the mantle over to a new lead actor in the movie, with the modern day Air Force the likely emphasis of the film. Tony Scott has also said that the film is a few years away at the earliest.

Trainspotting 2

Danny Boyle reportedly remains happy to press ahead with a second Trainspotting movie, but only when the cast of the film have reached mid-life. That’s when he’d look to set the movie.

Ewan McGregor is reportedly not interesting in signing up.

Transformers 4

Michael Bay’s final Transformers movie will be this summer’s Dark Of The Moon, but Hasbro is already wanting to keep the franchise going.

Shia LaBeouf is likely to jump ship as well for Transformers 4, which paves the way for a full-on reboot of the franchise. That might not do it, or Michael Bay, much harm. Expect it to take a few years to sort out, though.

The Transporter 4

Jason Statham is not a man bereft of movie franchises, and Luc Besson has dropped the hint that there may yet be another outing for The Transporter.

When discussing Taken 2, Besson dropped into the conversation,“I don’t think we’ll go like Transporter, for example, with two, three and four.”

Transporter 4? That’ll do quite nicely…

True Lies 2

Every time you think that a sequel to True Lies has finally died a death, it seems that Tom Arnold gives another interview. Recently, then, he revived the idea of a follow-up to the 1995 Arnold Schwarzenegger-James Cameron Bond rival, although it’s hard to see how Cameron would be able to fit the film in, given his Avatar commitments.

Still, Arnold has teased the idea that Schwarzenegger is involved and that Cameron has been involved with a script. The plan, as Tom Arnold outlines, is for Cameron to produce. We’ll believe it when it happens, though.

Tron 3

There’s a story already in place for a third Tron movie, and Tron: Legacy director Joseph Kosinski seemingly wants to stay involved. The film made solid cash across the globe, and Kosinski wants the next film to pick up where Legacy left off, with Quorra in the real world.

It’s being teased that the role of Dillinger’s son, as played by Cillian Murphy, could be expanded for the next movie, too. Disney, basically, has to decide whether to gamble on this one, and the film’s DVD and Blu-ray performance may prove pivotal in giving Tron 3 a green light.

Twilight: Breaking Dawn

We’re getting two films of the final book in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series. Robert Pattinson, Kristen Steward and Taylor Lautner are all returning, but most interesting of all is the decision to get Bill Condon (Gods And Monsters, Dreamgirls) to direct.

Part One of the Breaking Dawn finale is out just before Christmas, and Part Two will follow a year later.

Underworld 4

Kate Beckinsale returns to the Underworld franchise, with her character emerging from a 15-year coma to discover she has a 14-year-old daughter.

Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stein are on directing duties, and the film is in post-production now, being readied for release in January 2012.

A Very Harold & Kumar Christmas

Kal Penn and Jon Cho are returning to reprise their roles as Harold and Kumar in a third movie, which was delayed when – and this is true – Kal Penn went to work for the Obama administration (and he’s back there working now).

Todd Strauss-Schulson is directing this time around, and Neil Patrick Harris will be back, too. It’s also been filmed in 3D, and unsurprisingly, given the title, it’ll be out this coming Christmas.

Wanted 2

A surprise hit a few years back, Wanted has a couple of problems to tackle for there to be a sequel, but there had been interest in making it happen. However, it seems to be slipping away.

The last word on it to date came from James McAvoy, who revealed that a script had been written that hadn’t gone down too well. Universal is supposedly keen to press on with Wanted 2, but McAvoy has expressed doubt that the movie will ever happen now. He might be right, too.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2

It’s not at the top of director Robert Zemeckis’ list of projects, but with his Yellow Submarine remake looking doomed at the moment, Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2 might just have moved a step closer to being made.

Zemeckis is interested in making the movie, and original screenwriters Jeffrey Price and Peter S Seaman were, last we heard, working on a script for the movie. But there’s still no timescale for the movie as of yet. Bah.

X-Men 4

While most of the emphasis is on the other facets of the X-Men franchise thus far, with First Class, The Wolverine and Deadpool in the fire, there are still plans afoot for a full-on X-Men 4.

Some story work has been done on the film, but at best, it’s third in the queue in the current slate of X-Men projects. Thus, don’t expect it soon, but don’t write off the chances of it happening, either.

X-Men: First Class 2

There’s a confidence surrounding the promotion of X-Men: First Class as this piece is being written, and talk has already turned to a possible follow-up.

Director Matthew Vaughn may yet be interested in having another crack at the X-Men franchise, too, with the plan being talked about to move the next movie onto the 70s.

Sounds like it might be fun, but obviously, Fox will want to see how First Class does before committing one way or the other.

xXx 3

Not much to say on this one yet, other than Vin Diesel is looking to revisit the franchise that went horribly off track with its first sequel. He’s affirmed this during his recent bout of promotional work, putting across his clear interest in revisiting the role of Xander Cage. And Vin Diesel in franchises, remember, still can deliver box office gold.

Zoolander 2

Justin Theroux is the planned director for the long-awaited sequel to Zoolander, which he and Ben Stiller have completed a script of. Yet there’s still no sign of the crucial green light for the movie.

The new film would be set in the present, and it’s a year or two off happening, we’d suggest.

Can David Duchovny get a cameo this time around, though? That’s the big question…

Clearly, quick green lights are not just for street racing.

With Fast Five taking close to $84 million on its opening weekend, director Justin Lin is clearly confident we’re going to see a sixth edition of the fast-paced movie series.

The Vin Diesel and The Rock-led box office domination has ensured that.

“After this big weekend, we’re going forward,” Lin tells USA TODAY. “It’s pretty much 100 percent. It’s going to happen.”

With Fast Five not only winning over audiences, and a number of critics who believe this is the best film in the series, Lin believes the franchise has new life.

“At five, we’re just hitting our stride,” he says “We’re growing. People want to continue this journey.”

While this movie highlighted the highs and lows of Rio de Janeiro, we can be assured the international car-loving crew will be moving to a new locale.

“We’ll be going elsewhere,” he says.

But first the movie will continue world domination by opening in Taiwan, where Lin spoke by telephone, and China in the next two weeks.

Everyone’s favourite sex trafficker Hero Will be Back in 2012 in Taken 2 (Not the Official Title) and what can we expect from this film? Well as long as long as it stays on the same gritty path the first one took, I can say im actually really looking forward to this.

When you think action hero, 9 times out of 10 you would think Arnie, Sly, Willis and even Matt Damon, So the thought of Liam Neeson who has a real presence and intensity when he opens his particular can of Whoop-Ass Zero (all the kickassocity, none of the calories!) is a great choice.

Now since Luc Besson who directed the first film wont be back in the directing chair who may you ask has taken this job……..Olivier Megaton (Who???)……..But Directed such films as (TRANSPORTER 3, COLUMBIANA).

At this point in time there is no word on what the film’s plot is about and if Holly Valance will be returning :-/ (Yep, You all loved her in the first film)but lets just say, If it’s as any good as the first, come 2012 we have a great film to look forward to.


Check Out The Latest Breaking Dawn Pictures Below:

(Bella Finally Getting Her Fill of Edward)

(Cheap Honeymoon at the Lake District)

(Why Did I Say “I Do”)

(Dont Know About You, But I Want That Wolf)

(Jacob Late For School)

(Young Love)

Lucasfilm has announced full details for “Star Wars: The Complete Saga” coming to Blu-ray on September 12 internationally:
Bring home the adventure and share Star Wars with your whole family when STAR WARS: THE COMPLETE SAGA comes to Blu-ray Disc from Lucasfilm Ltd. and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment! To be released beginning on September 12 internationally and on September 16 in North America, the nine-disc collection.Special Features:STAR WARS: THE COMPLETE SAGA ON BLU-RAY is presented in widescreen with 6.1 DTS Surround Sound. Special features include:


– Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, John Knoll, Dennis Muren and Scott Squires
– Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


– Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, Pablo Helman, John Knoll and Ben Snow
– Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


– Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Rob Coleman, John Knoll and Roger Guyett
– Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


– Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren
– Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


– Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren
– Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


– Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren
– Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew


– Including: deleted, extended and alternate scenes; prop, maquette and costume turnarounds; matte paintings and concept art; supplementary interviews with cast and crew; a flythrough of the Lucasfilm Archives and more


– Including: deleted, extended and alternate scenes; prop, maquette and costume turnarounds; matte paintings and concept art; supplementary interviews with cast and crew; and more


– NEW! Star Warriors (2007, Color, Apx. 84 Minutes) — Some Star Wars fans want to collect action figures…these fans want to be action figures! A tribute to the 501st Legion, a global organization of Star Wars costume enthusiasts, this insightful documentary shows how the super-fan club promotes interest in the films through charity and volunteer work at fundraisers and high-profile special events around the world.
– NEW! A Conversation with the Masters: The Empire Strikes Back 30 Years Later (2010, Color, Apx. 25 Minutes) — George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan and John Williams look back on the making of The Empire Strikes Back in this in-depth retrospective from Lucasfilm created to help commemorate the 30th anniversary of the movie. The masters discuss and reminisce about one of the most beloved films of all time.
– NEW! Star Wars Spoofs (2011, Color, Apx. 91 Minutes) — The farce is strong with this one! Enjoy a hilarious collection of Star Wars spoofs and parodies that have been created over the years, including outrageous clips from Family Guy, The Simpsons, How I Met Your Mother and more — and don’t miss “Weird Al” Yankovic’s one-of-a-kind music video tribute to The Phantom Menace!
Feel The Force of the Star Wars Infinite Saga Site!

This September, the Star Wars Saga comes to Blu-ray for the very first time. Now you can be part of this groundbreaking release, through the magic of “infinite zoom” technology. When you share this site with your friends, exclusive imagery from the release will be revealed. And the more the site is shared around the world, the more the world will see. So spread the word today and “zoom” into the the ultimate insider’s view of Star Wars on Blu-ray!


April’s Movie of the Month has to be Shutter Island and for a recently new movie i had left this on the back burner of my movie list and never really got round to watching it, But when i did i was annoyed i didn’t watch it sooner, The Great casting and dark tone make the complexed plot enjoyable from start to finish. Overall I make this film perfect for Saturday night viewing. (Movie Review Posting Soon)